Press releases for Exporexi S.A.
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Exporexi S.A. Offers Content Creators Affordable Solutions for Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and Apple TV Channel Creation, Management, and Hosting
Exporexi S.A. offers content creators affordable and complete solutions for Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and Apple TV Channel creation, management, and hosting. They have an audience of over 100 million…
March 19, 2021

About Exporexi S.A.
Exporexi (pronounced expo-rex-I) is a company that is passionate about communicating ideas. Business, Science, Health, Adventure, Fashion, Fun and so much more. The founders of the company have been exploring the world of ideas for over 30 years.
Exporexi is headquartered in the Republic of Panama with offices in Franklin, Tennessee
TN 37064
United States
1 855 443 8668