PACE Anti-Piracy, Inc., a leading License Management and Application Protection platform, today reaffirms their commitment to compatibility with 64-bit Mac applications.
Apple first warned developers in 2017 that updates to macOS after High Sierra would not run 32-bit apps ‘without compromise’. 64-bit has been required for both app submissions and app updates to the Mac App Store since January 1, 2018. To notify users of the upcoming changes, an alert dialogue in macOS was added in early 2018.
Fast forward to today. With the public beta of the next major version of macOS, macOS Catalina now here, it’s no surprise that Apple is dropping support for 32-bit apps.
Why is Apple dropping support for 32-bit apps in macOS Catalina?
Here’s what Apple has to say on the subject:
“A State-of-the-art technology is what makes a Mac a Mac. All modern Macs include powerful 64-bit processors, and macOS runs advanced 64-bit apps, which can access dramatically more memory and enable faster system performance. The technologies that define today’s Mac experience—such as Metal graphics acceleration—work only with 64-bit apps. To ensure that the apps you purchase are as advanced as the Mac you run them on, all future Mac software will eventually be required to be 64-bit.
Apple began the transition to 64-bit hardware and software technology for Mac over a decade ago, and is working with developers to transition their apps to 64-bit.”
So where does that leave software companies that have delayed releasing 64-bit Mac applications because their legacy licensing system is not 64-bit compatible?
Well, the short answer is scrambling for a modern alternative to dongle-based licensing systems that were designed in the last century. Based on the inquiries we have received to-date, in addition to the soon to be retired DevMate licensing system, we are led to believe that many popular licensing systems, including the Thalas Gemalto Sentinel product, are not 64-bit compatible.
If your company hasn’t updated its licensing and application protection systems in the last few years, Apple is now giving you a compelling reason to request the budget to revamp those antiquated solutions. It’s not a secret that many of the best-known legacy licensing solutions suffer from well-understood security cracks, are at best keeping honest people honest, and are often just creating headaches for you, your staff, and your customers. Now is a great time to finally adopt a more modern solution.
Please contact us. PACE has been providing licensing and application protection solutions to Apple application developers since 2010, we have the technology and experience to make transitioning to a modern streamlined licensing and application protection solution painless, and the cost of our technology is likely no more than your company is already investing in your current solution.
“32-bit app compatibility with macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 and later,
“macOS Catalina Is Dropping Support for 32-Bit Apps: How to Check Which Mac Apps Will Stop Working”, 4 July 2019
Important Announcement DevMate end of life,

About PACE Anti-Piracy
PACE Anti-Piracy Inc. is a privately held company based in San Jose, California. Since 1985, PACE has provided software publishers and distributors with high-quality solutions for secure software distribution.
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