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Health Energy Guru compares the differences between Soylent vs. Huel, the meal replacement products in their latest article.  Firstly, Huel is a competitor with Soylent and advertizes to the same demographic. According to Health Energy Guru, the main difference between the two products is that Huel is based in the UK, and it only offers powder, flavor boosts, and their new ready-to-go drink.

Huel is designed to fulfill all of your macronutrients and vitamin minerals needs throughout hectic days. It is a quick healthy alternative for people who have busy and hectic lives.

On the other hand, Soylent used to be one of the main meal replacement products that provided ready-to-go drinks, but now that Huel has provided their very own version, they are more comparable. Soylent is a popular meal replacement product that has been advertised to avoid the time and energy that goes into making and eating healthy foods.

The co-founders of Soylent wanted to create a product for people that would take minimal effort to prepare and consume, but also provides us with all the nutrients we may need. If you would like to purchase the products, Health Energy Guru gives you a link on this page to order them online.

So Huel vs. Soylent, which one is the best? Health Energy Guru compares the two in detail in their latest article. According to Health Energy Guru, soylent is specially made for those people who want a food option that is quick and easy but also full of healthy nutrients and macros.

Soylent offers its customers five meal replacement products to choose from such as;

  • Soylent drink in a variety of flavors
  • Silent café available in café vanilla, café chai, and café mocha
  • Soylent squared – a minibar
  • Soylent powder – a meal replacement
  • Soylent bridge – an in-between meals drink

Now, for those who are wondering what does Soylent contains? Health Energy Guru has given a list of ingredients in Soylent, which are quite healthy and provide the needed nutrients to get you through the day. The primary ingredients in Soylent are Soy Protein, Isomatluose, High oleic sunflower oil, and various vitamins and minerals.

However, there is a slight difference between these ingredients and the ingredients in Huel. Huel has clean ingredients that haven’t sparked much concern for customers or seem off-putting. Huel can don’t use soy protein in their products like Soylent and many other meal replacements.

The main ingredients in Huel are:

Health Energy Guru, as mentioned, states that one of the ingredients in Soylent is Soy protein. For those unfamiliar with the ingredient, it is a plant protein derived from soybeans. It is very cost-effective and a protein source that improves the textures of different foods.  It is also known as a complete protein, containing all the nine essential amino acids that your body needs. It is also very high in protein.

In contrast, when reading through the Huel review, you will notice the different ingredients. For instance, the pea protein is made from yellow and green peas and is also the primary source of protein in Huel. Pea protein is known to be a very suitable protein option for vegetarians, vegans, and people looking to avoid whey. Then you have the oats and flaxseeds, the brown rice protein, and the coconut MCT’s.

You should check out the article of Soylent review and Huel review on the Health Energy Guru’s website. Just go online to, and you can easily navigate to the articles you want to read.


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Health Energy Guru was founded with the purpose of discovering better ways to live through scientific research. Most products claim health benefits with little to no backing by scientific research. Yet, many people buy those products anyways in the hopes…

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