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A Booming Texas Oil Economy Benefits Many Industries

The population of Midland/Odessa has grown considerably over the past 15
years and is very much a leading driver of the growing opportunities and
economic outlook for the State of Texas. The area is seen by many as the
“center” of the US oil production boom, and Midland’s long-established
oil and gas infrastructure and ample land, combined with their spending
on transportation infrastructure have enabled a wide range of logistics
and agriculture industries. With the continued upturn in economic
outlook, supporting industries are more prepared to invest in their
future expansion, and the benefits are clearly reflected in the
successes of businesses such as All-State Fence & Supply. With this as a
backdrop, All-State Fence & Supply has recognized this trend and
continues to meet the growing commercial fencing demand for their
quality fence construction services in the region.

Because of this strong growth, the Cities of Midland/Odessa are also
investing in its infrastructure, including enhancements to existing
facilities, parks, and other services that make Midland a more
comfortable place to live and set up a business. This commitment
stimulates further growth and opportunity for the many existing
companies in Midland, Odessa, and the surrounding area. With a low
unemployment rate of around 2% in these two cities, and the utilization
of continuing education, the area continues to have a healthy and
evolving balance of the skills and abilities businesses require for
their own success.

The areas of economic strength across the Midland/Odessa area were that
personal earnings increased due to a tight job market, strong demand for
Texas oil, and a good economy. The continuing growth in investment by
major oil companies has made city officials in the area more inclined to
spend additional money on infrastructure.

The Greater Midland/Odessa area is often referred to as the Permian
Basin, but, economically speaking, it is closely connected to the South
Plains (which includes Lubbock) and the Texas Panhandle. Good for the
State, and Good for All-State Fence & Supply in Midland.

With all these things considered, there are many positive signals for
continued growth throughout the Midland/Odessa area, and indeed the
entire State of Texas. A recent article published by Reuters News
Service states that “The Permian Strategic Partnership, a group of 20
energy companies operating in the area promises to spend $100 million to
promote training, education, health care, housing, and roads.” This
provides strong evidence that the boom in the area can have long-lasting
economic implications. This is clearly reflected in the feedback of
companies such as All-State Fence & Supply.

So, if you too are experiencing the positive benefits of the local
economic boom, why not take that feel-good factor into embarking on your
own development programs. Then, if that project includes the need for
the best in quality fencing, why not contact All-State Fence & Supply
fence company Midland for a quote today.

All-State Fence & Supply

To contact All-State Fence & Supply:

All-State Fence & Supply
10200 TX-191,
Midland, TX 79707,
United States
Phone: +1 432-563-1111


About All-State Fence & Supply – Midland

If you need a fence repaired, built, or installed in the Midland or Odessa area, you need a fence contractor you can trust. All State Fence & Supply has been serving the fencing needs of the area since 2007.

Contact All-State Fence & Supply – Midland
10200 TX-191
TX 79707
United States